Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Happy New Year!

New Year's Affirmation:

“The Turning of the wheel of the New Year
Brings to my life good health,
great wealth, and happy times."

                 Kooch’s News:
                        Special guest on Kosmic Koffee this coming Weds. New Year's eve, at 1 pm Pac time: Robert Bosnak Jungian psychoanalyst who
                 is the author of 5 books of non-fiction in the fields of dreaming and creative imagination translated into over a dozen languages. He 
                 developed a method called embodied imagination. Can't wait to talk with him on Lifescape:  Call 657 383 0827 to listen or go 2 Blogtalk 

May Your New Year Be

Filled With Great Happiness!

 Love From Kooch

Tarot, Palmistry, Astrology, Intuitive Readings & More
707 876 1980


Friday, December 5, 2014

December's Guest List For Kosmic Koffee!

Hope you can hear my Tarot Guild LifeScape's blogtalk radio show called Kosmic Coffee.   Every Wednesday, at 1 PM California time I’ll be exploring topics to inspire the mystically -minded. I’m your host, Kooch, and our show's focus is on divination and finding metaphysical resources to stir up a cauldron of magical reflections.  To listen, you can call 347-637-3372.   List will be posted of show's guests.....soon....love & happy holidays!!!! 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

 Celebration And Gratitude

Wishing You Joyous Holidays 

Filled With Surging Waves Of Good Fortune.
Thank You For Being Part Of My Life!


             Take a minute to relax your mind and body.  Feel 
        your heart center, and from that place inwardly say, 
        "I am making choices that guide my life to good health, 
        great wealth, and happy times." 
     With appreciation and love,

Friday, October 31, 2014

Your Día de Muertos (Day of The Dead) Fortune As Viewed From My Crystal Ball

Today the Sun sits in the constellation Scorpio.  It’s ruling planet, Mars, invokes courage, strong relations, and countless possibilities for burning candles and creating fun, magical times.   Just make sure you dance wildly with heartfelt passion for life, and avoid ghouls, vampires, naked mermaids and other unworldly meddlers.  Secret incantations chanted by the wind may inspire your psychic powers to grow.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Autumn Wishes

"Our lives are interconnected like the links of a chain."  Amma

  Hope you are all doing well, and that our paths cross for a wonderful reason.

Amma is coming to the bay area the week before Thanksgiving.  She's awesome and gives great healing hugs to all.  Info @ amma.org

This Thurs. Oct. 16th at 1 pm PAC time:

Please join me :

The Spiritual Path Of Tarot Telesummit 

I'll be talking about the magical properties of the minor arcana cards that share the number three.

For more info about 2 weeks of insightful (free) tarot talks:



Palmistry For Fun And Prophet


The Art And Magic Of Palmistry
online workshop with Kooch

Oct. 26th, 11 AM PAC Time

Hosted by Thelesis Aura

For more info:

Text for class is my palmistry book:  
The Art And Magic Of Palmistry
Best of fortunes,


Palmistry, Tarot, Astrology, intuitive Readings

Personal Readings and Party Entertainment and More


Friday, September 12, 2014

Sweet Review Of Our Tarot Workshop By Elinor Greenburg

FromFrom: Elinor Greenberg <elinorg@me.com>
Date: September 11, 2014 at 5:33:48 PM EDT
To: NYIGT Google Group Group <nyigt@googlegroups.com>
Subject: AAGT Conference
Hi All,

I find that my mind keeps going back to Asilomar and the AAGT Conference, so I thought that I would share a few more thoughts.

I think whoever was on the committee choosing presenters did a fabulous job. There were so many good presentations!

One presentation that was a great and very pleasant surprise to me was by Christine Stevens the editor of the British Gestalt Journal. It is hard to describe, but I will try to give you a sense of its originality and effect on me.

Christine combined a poignant film of the now abandoned Spode ceramic factory, her "rescuing" some unfinished lamp bases, working with them in various ways, a very sensual film of her shaping clay accompanied by the amped up sound that her hands made sliding over and shaping the clay (sounded like soft "New Age" music) and a pair exercise in which one of the pair shaped a hunk of this clay by "feel,"while the other person stayed silently in contact with the shaper. I paired off with the wonderful Stella Resnick who I hadn't seen for more than 35 yrs.  All of the above created a deeply moving experience for me!

Another: Kooch and Victor Daniels' presentation on Tarot and GT, taught me the concept of "an emotional stack": how very often underlying the first emotion a person expresses is another emotion and under that another, and so on. They had the client choose pictures from various tarot decks to illustrate each emotion; however, I used this concept in my group therapy group last night without tarot cards.

On a lighter note, Kooch and Victor Daniels also did a great job of organizing a wonderful night of entertainment for us around a fire pit outside. It began with a Mexican Shaman blessing individuals (anyone who chose to participate) with smudging by fire, then leading us in a ritual where we formed a circle around the central fire, lit our candles by sharing our light with the person next to us, and connected our small light (in our imagination) to the larger central fire. There was additional paid entertainment, but what stands out for me is how many of us, when invited by the MC, stepped up to the microphone and told jokes, sang songs, and recited poems. Humans entertaining humans.

Warmest Wishes,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today's Kosmic Koffee!

 Here's whats happening today on my show and also will be in our archives.  First picture is of myself and today's guest when we were at last weekends SF BATS.  (Bay Area Tarot Symposium)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Please Join Me

You can join us in out chat room, at LifeScapeRadio.com/Live, or call in at: 657-383-0827..."

I host live shows on Wednesdays at 1 PM PAC time and/or you can always listen in archives. 

 Today, July 23rd,  I interviewed Anastasia Haysler who spoke about the tarot world and her book, Painting The Soul: The Tarot Art of David Palladini by David Palladini and Anastasia Haysler.

July 30th  Bill Tarot talks about his new deck, Dynamic Spreads.

Aug. 6th.  Rana George, will talk about the Lenormand deck and her new book, The Essential Lenormand.

Aug. 13th Janet Boyer will discuss her current work, and we can ask her anything because this show is titled, "Up Close and Personal with Janet".

Aug. 20th Victor Daniels, co-author of Tarot D'Amour will be talking about psychology and the tarot.

 Today's tarot card: The Empress -- Emotional communication opens heartfelt communication.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Robert Place on Kosmic Koffee With Kooch

The one and ONLY Robert Place discussing his new deck The Burning Serpent Oracle.... is Kooch's special guest on #LifeScapeRadio today! 1pm Pacific - 3pm Central 4pm Eastern....Listen in & Chat with us here: LifeScapeRadio.com/LiveThe Burning Serpent Oracle....

You can also listen to our show in the Archives.

On July 23, join Kooch who will be interviewing Anastasia of Tarot Media Co.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Readers Studio 2014

Readers Studio was so much fun.  I gave a talk with Victor on topic "Psychology And Tarot".  Pictures are from Saturday's dinner party.  I'm wearing zebra shirt.  Top picture has Rana George to my left, then Victor, and Mary Greer.  Bottom picture is me Thomas Caldwell and Kat, Moon Goddess!

Kosmic Koffee With Kooch Schedule for May 2014

Thank you for your interest in Kosmic Coffee with Kooch where our focus is on oracles and mystical arts.  We like to stir up a tasty soul brew of esotericia especially for enhancing awareness of what's happening in the world of divination.  You're invited to call in with questions, and mini readings if the guest is open to doing them.  You can tune in on-line to blogtalk or call 347-637-3372.  Current links can be found on Facebook page for Kooch Daniels.

On Weds., May 14th we had a great show with Marcia McCord titled:  
Lenormand, The First Steps
If you like to learn more how to use these magical cards, please go to archives:

On Weds., May 21 @ 1 pm PAC time:

Visit with deck creator and author from Israel, Yoav Ben-dov.  He'll be discussing his work with The Tarot de Marseille.

On Weds. May 28th @ 1 pm PAC time:
Find out what's happening with Linda Marson founder of Global Spiritual Studies and her work to convert  "traditional face-to-face classes in tarot, Kabbalah, Petit Lenormand etc into engaging and meaningful online learning experiences".

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Have Fun With Ferol

Guess What! Wednesday, I will be on Kosmic Koffee with Kooch Daniels, talking about Living Tarot Method, and maybe doing some on air readings. Join us for fun!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rainbowpsychics/2014/03/26/ferol-humphrey-on-kosmic-koffee-with-kooch

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Business of Tarot Telesummit

I'll be giving a talk for the Business of Tarot Telesummit on March 5th

for more info and to register:

Time Zone Conversion: (PST -1 hour, CST +1 hour, EST +2 hours)
Wednesday March 5th
12 p.m. MST – Heather - How to Make Your Business the Best You Can Be
2 p.m. MST – Kooch - Building Your Confidence, Building Your Practice
Thursday March 6th
12 p.m. MST – Dax - Social Media for Professional Readers
2 p.m. MST – Janet - Writing and Pitching a Tarot Proposal
Friday March 7th
12 p.m. MST – Machelle - Developing and Trusting Your Intuition
2 p.m. MST – Laura - Wearing Multiple Hats in Your Reading
Saturday March 8th
12 p.m. MST – Mary – Media (or the art of the interview and how to make it work for you.)
2 p.m. MST – Dax - New Technology for Professional Readers
Sunday March 9th
12 p.m. MST – Sherry - How to Host Your Own Radio Show or Video Show
Monday March 10th
12 p.m. MST – Rachel - How to Market Your Biz on the Internet
2 p.m. MST – Machelle - How to Set Up a Table at a Reading Event
Tuesday March 11th
12 p.m. MST – Heather - Tarot: The Art of Storytelling
2 p.m. MST – Janet – How to Write a Great Tarot Review
Wednesday March 12th
12 p.m. MST – Mary - Phone Readings for Professional Readers
2 p.m. MST – Laura - How to Deal with Reading Dependency

Telesummit is presented by Heather Woodward

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine Love Oracle

Created by Kooch Daniels                                                 (Copyright 2014)

Aries – The Ram

Hold love in your heart and the flowers of your passion will grow greater joy and happiness.  Be gentle tending your inner fire and don’t let flames of worries be stronger than your faith in tomorrow’s fortune.  New opportunities are on the horizon.

Taurus – The Bull

Look for real estate in the land of love.  Stay strong and joy ride the bull of your deepest feelings with a positive perspective. Venus, your ruling planet, is linked with the goddess of love, and you naturally inherit her character to enjoy the good life.

Gemini – The Twins
Dance the spirited salsa of love and believe in your power to fulfill your romantic dreams.  Take time to drink from love’s cup of pleasure and share hugs of affections with those you hold close.  Your Sun sign’s ruler Mercury, linked with communication, being retrograde indicates the importance of talking with clarity.

Cancer – The Crab
You’re going to have more fun, as the waxing moon turns foolish, I mean full.  Don’t worry about seeing what’s coming in your future.  Pay attention to the honesty of your heart’s desire, and whatever direction you go, will bring happy times.

Leo --The Lion 
Making love all day is a purrrrfect thought for your fiery solar nature, even if this means spending your time playing with your cats.  After all your emotional searching, remember to be kind to yourself this is the week of the high holy day of love. Life’s enjoyment is within reach.

Virgo – The Virgin
Sharing the love of your soul creates a bliss vibration.  Instead of looking for answers to where your love life is going, take a moment to smile and celebrate the moment.  Give tender hugs to all of those who love you, even if emotional issues ebb and flow like the swells in the sea.

Libra – The Balance
Make a commitment to live with the loving spirit of happiness.  Don’t doubt yourself or your relationships.  Love and compatibility is a chemically electric connection that you can’t force or deny.  Intuit how you can best use your creative intelligence, connect with a deeper sense of self, and you’ll surely be on your path to success.

Scorpio – The Scorpion
Get a massage or if you can’t make the time, fill your bathtub with bubbles of sweet scented water and light a candle or two.  Surround yourself with the light of love and focus on self-pampering before focusing on Valentine fun or not so fun!  Underlying emotions and faith are your foundation for finding a sacred path to opening your heart.

Sagittarius – The Archer
Being out and about with friends sets a harmonious mood, so override your introverted side, and go out for an evening of fun.  Emotions grounded in gratitude free the inner spirit from petty annoyances.  Deep love lives in your generous heart with or without a box of chocolates to fulfill expectations.

Capricorn – The Mountain Goat
Saturn your ruler, loves ethical love and long term commitments of the soul that enable you to grow toward a ripe maturity.  Clarity is the path to see the truth of the heart.   Smile as new social opportunities may come when you smile and face the arrow of Cupid’s bow.

Aquarius – The Water Bearer
During this special time for romance, give yourself permission to expand your confidence boundaries and reach over false barriers to pick the fruit of your desires.  If you aren’t sure if this advice is right for you, make stress free choices and act accordingly to your inner guide for right decision making. (Love is the key!)

Pisces – The Fish

Take the worry out of love.  Find your sanctuary where you can meditate on the ultimate path to create opportunities for getting what you want.  Your enjoyment of life is an unwrapped gift that can make others smile in every moment called now.   Make your day as special as you are.  Believe in the voice of your intuition.

Horoscopes are for your entertainment.  Hope you like yours!

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Valentine Special On Kosmic Koffee

Hope you can tune in to our super Valentine, compatibility, get naked show!!! We'll be answering questions about love in relation to the power of numbers. Dax Carlisle, president of the Tarot Guild and founder of Rainbow Psychics will be sharing his insights this Weds., Feb. 12 @ 1 pm Pac time on Kosmic Koffee With Kooch. Call if you'd like us to talk about birth numbers or if you have LOVE questions. Tune-in on-line via Blogtalk Radio or call 347-637-3372.

Review of The Soul's Journey

        Inspirational and mystically insightful, The Soul’s Journey, Finding, Spiritual Messages in the Tarot by James Ricklef is rich in content and healing for the heart.  With a collection of over 300 eclectic spiritual messages, his passages lead us to look at the brighter side of life and offer a valuable means to overcome whatever trials we may be facing.   When I first opened his book I was instantly rewarded with a message that guided me to heal my heart with a practical suggestion to solve a question I had.  I was instantly hooked on James' book and knew that I wanted to keep it near me as a close companion.   With further reading it became obvious that he had made “An offering of love with no strings attached” by giving the reader a means to “transform our emotional connections” into a “Higher” calling. Maybe it’s his intermittent comments throughout his card discussions such as, “follow your bliss” and “leave behind emotional distress” and “create a beautiful life” and “finding sacred passion” that have made me fall in love with his book.
        A true wordsmith, James has created tarot interpretations that help build a strong foundation for understanding the significance of all the cards.  His spreads are suitable for beginners or advanced readers.  Although he calls them “Spreads For Spiritual Readings”, my sense is that his spreads help with any kind of problems, and that anyone who wants greater awareness will find useful messages when using them.  Truthfully, you don’t even need to practice the tarot to get great advice from his book. James claims that “The Tarot is one particular tool to help us hear the voice of the Divine,” and I agree, but I also believe that James’ book provides a positive channel to help us listen.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Year Of The Horse

     This new year is perfect for building a solid foundation under your dreams.  Horses move swiftly and are extremely powerful, the the natural undercurrent or momentum of this year's lunar forces will be assisting you to get where you want to go.  Steer your life with positive choices that nurture your well-being.  Visualize your success before yu take action.  when you act, reach for experiences that have the most potential to make you smile. 

Also...if you want to tune in:

Please join Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone founders of The Tarot School in New York this coming Weds, Feb. 5th @ 1 pm Pac. Time on Kosmic Koffee. We’ll be talking about Reader’s Studio and their Tarot and Psychology Conference that’s happening this coming April. If you have questions about their tarot insights or want info that will help you see your path more clearly, please call or post in our chat room. You can tune-in on-line via Blogtalk Radio or call 347-637-3372.

The Best Of Life Is Now!