Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sorry....but my life has been so busy that I haven't been posting here recently.  I won't cry on your shoulder as I know your life is busy too, but I will tell you that most of my time has been focused on meeting two separate publishing deadlines for turning in two manuscripts.  One highlights the tarot in relation to psychology and the other is an illustrated discussion of the chakras.  Both texts are a culmination of my life's passion and studies.  The writing of these books has taken more than the last several years.  After turning in a manuscript, it takes a publishing house about a year to turn it into a we'll all have to wait a bit longer to hear more about these upcoming unique treasures.

For now, I want to wish you happiness in the new year.  Today, the Sun has entered Aquarius @ 7:28 PAC time. Happy Dawning of the New Age & happy birthday to all Aquarians.

February Workshops

This coming Feb. I will be teaching at the PantheaCon conference in San Jose, California at the Double Tree Hotel.  If you're in the area on Feb. 14th or 15th and would like to connect for a reading, please contact me.

Or if you'd like to come to my workshops, on Sat., the 13th at 7 pm I'll be giving an interactive, learn-by-doing talk called "Decoding The Secrets In The Palm".  To learn more about my discussion, you can refer to my book, The Art And Magic Of Palmistry:

On Sunday, Feb. 14th, Valentines Day at the PantheaCon, I will be giving a talk at 1:30 called "Tarot Spreads To Explore Relationships".  If you want to learn more about using the tarot to discuss love or want to explore your emotions with the help of magical tarot cards, please come by.   For this discussion, I highlight the spreads in the book my partner Victor and I wrote in 2009, called Tarot D'Amour:

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