Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Please Join Me

You can join us in out chat room, at, or call in at: 657-383-0827..."

I host live shows on Wednesdays at 1 PM PAC time and/or you can always listen in archives. 

 Today, July 23rd,  I interviewed Anastasia Haysler who spoke about the tarot world and her book, Painting The Soul: The Tarot Art of David Palladini by David Palladini and Anastasia Haysler.

July 30th  Bill Tarot talks about his new deck, Dynamic Spreads.

Aug. 6th.  Rana George, will talk about the Lenormand deck and her new book, The Essential Lenormand.

Aug. 13th Janet Boyer will discuss her current work, and we can ask her anything because this show is titled, "Up Close and Personal with Janet".

Aug. 20th Victor Daniels, co-author of Tarot D'Amour will be talking about psychology and the tarot.

 Today's tarot card: The Empress -- Emotional communication opens heartfelt communication.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Robert Place on Kosmic Koffee With Kooch

The one and ONLY Robert Place discussing his new deck The Burning Serpent Oracle.... is Kooch's special guest on #LifeScapeRadio today! 1pm Pacific - 3pm Central 4pm Eastern....Listen in & Chat with us here: Burning Serpent Oracle....

You can also listen to our show in the Archives.

On July 23, join Kooch who will be interviewing Anastasia of Tarot Media Co.