Friday, October 19, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

NuLife Radio

Our Special Guest tomorrow, on NuLife Radio: Kala Ambrose! One of the many great topics Dax and I will be discussing with Kala is her new book "Spirits of New Orleans"! ....Just in time for Halloween :o) ...Find out more about Kala and when/how to listen in tomorrow Nov. 17 @ 1 PM Pacific time, Here:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Free Palmistry Class Monday, 10/22

  • Bring your questions about your hands to Kooch's palmistry class at the East West Bookstore in Mt. View, Ca. on Monday evening, October 22nd, 2012.

    Kooch will be "giving a hand" on learning what palmistry really is, how it works and how you can add this ancient practice to your psychic development tool kit!

    "Not to be missed."   This fun talks provides a practical foundation of hand reading skills in relation to learning chirognomy, the study of the form and outer appearance of a hand; and chiromancy, the analysis of the lines and marks in the palm.. 

    Kooch Daniels is the author of several books, and

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Free Palmistry Class Weds/ 10/3

  • NuLife Radio Network - Globally - Online
  • Join us for "The NuLife Radio Show", on Wednesday, October 3rd, 3012, when we will be holding a FREE Live On-Air Workshop on Palmistry 101, with author Kooch Daniels.

    Kooch will be "giving us a hand" on learning what palmistry really is, how it works and how we can add this ancient practice to our tool kit!

    Kooch Daniels is the author of several books, including: "The Art & Magic of Palmistry" -

    SHOW TIME: 1pm San Diego - 4pm New York - 9pm London
    CALL IN NUMBER: 347-637-3372