Monday, August 20, 2012

Youtube videos: Reading "Seance" from Theater Of Karma

If you'd like to check out my new promo for my book published this year by Tarot Media Co. called Theater of Karma, please go to:

One is short version called "Seance".

One version has intro about my book, plus "Seance".

Monday, August 13, 2012

Meet me in my palmistry class at SF BATS

SF BATS --   is the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium,    which brings together authors, teachers, artists, and Tarot enthusiasts of all levels of interest and experience.  
This year's SF BATS takes place on August 25-26, 2012 at the Golden Gateway Holiday Inn in San Francisco.  
The oldest and most unique Tarot event in the world, this gathering is renowned for its lively mix of Tarot "greats," fresh new faces, and remarkable local talents, not to mention fabulous shopping, non-stop schmoozery and an astonishing variety of fun. All gatherings of Tarot folk are festive occasions, but - for 21 years, now and always - there is nothing like BATS.