Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Palmistry for Fun and Prophet

Many Rivers Books & Tea
130 S. Main St., Sebastopol 
Kooch Daniels, Author of The Art and Magic of Palmistry
Thursday, April 26, 7:30 pm
Suggested Donation: $5

Conventional palmistry is a combination of two techniques: chirognomy, the study of the form and outer appearance of a hand; and chiromancy, the analysis of the lines and marks in the palm. This workshop provides a practical foundation of hand reading skills in relation to these two separate studies. More than a talk on "how to read the hand", our main focus will be studying the symbols we find in our palms. Just as we learn to read and interpret symbols on astrology charts or in tarot cards, in palmistry we must also find and interpret various symbols. Using hands of willing class participants, we'll explore palmistry symbols and interpret their potential meanings. This is a show and tell class and your questions about your hands will help guide our discussion. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sun In Taurus

Happy Birthday to all born during Sun in Taurus!! Strong minded, steadfast and loyal to friends, you have seductive winning personalities. Known to be patient, practical, and passionate, you are natural winners in the game of life.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Tarot Card Matches This New's Event?

What tarot card equals this : Vatican launched crackdown on many Am. Catholic nuns, saying they're not speaking enough vs gay marriage/abortion/women's ordinations.

My answer coming soon.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mars Retrograde

Today's real life example of Mar's retrograde (The Tower reversed): U.S. Navy jet crashes into apartment building in Virginia.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mercury's Movement

So happy Mercury has gone direct foreshadowing an easier communication flow.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Your Fortune Cookie Tarot Reading:

Three of Cups crossed by The Lovers: Take advantage of your potentials to have a good time.

Answer to Previous Tarot Question

Please go to to read my answer to: What Tarot Card Is This? And hopefully you'll also like my page.