Monday, December 24, 2012

May the gifts of the season bring you happiness,

Love, Peace, & Joy

Best Wishes For Your Holidays


Friday, October 19, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

NuLife Radio

Our Special Guest tomorrow, on NuLife Radio: Kala Ambrose! One of the many great topics Dax and I will be discussing with Kala is her new book "Spirits of New Orleans"! ....Just in time for Halloween :o) ...Find out more about Kala and when/how to listen in tomorrow Nov. 17 @ 1 PM Pacific time, Here:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Free Palmistry Class Monday, 10/22

  • Bring your questions about your hands to Kooch's palmistry class at the East West Bookstore in Mt. View, Ca. on Monday evening, October 22nd, 2012.

    Kooch will be "giving a hand" on learning what palmistry really is, how it works and how you can add this ancient practice to your psychic development tool kit!

    "Not to be missed."   This fun talks provides a practical foundation of hand reading skills in relation to learning chirognomy, the study of the form and outer appearance of a hand; and chiromancy, the analysis of the lines and marks in the palm.. 

    Kooch Daniels is the author of several books, and

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Free Palmistry Class Weds/ 10/3

  • NuLife Radio Network - Globally - Online
  • Join us for "The NuLife Radio Show", on Wednesday, October 3rd, 3012, when we will be holding a FREE Live On-Air Workshop on Palmistry 101, with author Kooch Daniels.

    Kooch will be "giving us a hand" on learning what palmistry really is, how it works and how we can add this ancient practice to our tool kit!

    Kooch Daniels is the author of several books, including: "The Art & Magic of Palmistry" -

    SHOW TIME: 1pm San Diego - 4pm New York - 9pm London
    CALL IN NUMBER: 347-637-3372

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Autumn

On September 22, the Sun entered Libra, sign of the balance, and the season officially turned to autumn.  It's a reminder that days are getting shorter, our nights longer, and that we better take the opportunity to play outdoors before the chills of winter are upon us. The Moon is waxing in its last quarter, and this coming Saturday, the 29th, our full "Harvest Moon" rises in celebration of life's cornucopia.


I am balancing my energy in ways to promote 
healthy living and great joy.

New Book

My e-book The Sacred Wisdom of The Planets has beautiful, mystical planetary art by Dutch artist, Pieter Weltevrede.  It is now available on-line with your favorite e-book retailer.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pluto's Now Direct

Turning tides...Pluto went direct today. Time to set your sails to go with the wind of your fiery passions

Judgment card:  consciously moving toward one-ness with awareness to waken your silly heart into esctacy!!!  Love who you are and happiness will follow. 

Numerology:  18
One plus eight equal 9...Solutions/resolutions ring in the new.  Today's the jumping off point for new beginnings.  Get busy having fun!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Youtube videos: Reading "Seance" from Theater Of Karma

If you'd like to check out my new promo for my book published this year by Tarot Media Co. called Theater of Karma, please go to:

One is short version called "Seance".

One version has intro about my book, plus "Seance".

Monday, August 13, 2012

Meet me in my palmistry class at SF BATS

SF BATS --   is the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium,    which brings together authors, teachers, artists, and Tarot enthusiasts of all levels of interest and experience.  
This year's SF BATS takes place on August 25-26, 2012 at the Golden Gateway Holiday Inn in San Francisco.  
The oldest and most unique Tarot event in the world, this gathering is renowned for its lively mix of Tarot "greats," fresh new faces, and remarkable local talents, not to mention fabulous shopping, non-stop schmoozery and an astonishing variety of fun. All gatherings of Tarot folk are festive occasions, but - for 21 years, now and always - there is nothing like BATS. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Does This Hand Tell You?

Can you guess who's hand this is?  Or look at it and know what the person does for a living?  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Book Signing for Theater of Karma

Wine & Dine with local authors at the Redwood Cafe, 8240 Old Redwood Hwy., Cotati...Tuesday, June 26th 6-8 pm Kooch will be reading from her esoteric novel, Theater of Karma.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Astrology / Tarot Talk

Mercury, the messenger, astrologically linked with communications & the intellect, went into Cancer, sign of the crab (watery emotions) this morning. Or in the language of the tarot, The Magician is getting into the Chariot. Should be an interesting ride.  

The Chariot represents choices, self-inquiry, and being driven by desires to hurry down the road of life.  As you are moving toward goals, yes, it can be difficult, but it's normal for there to be bumps in the road.  You have to believe in your power to navigate, even if the Chariot rocks back & forth as it moves forward.  The magician believes in the power of his wand, and uses it manifest dreams in reality.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus Transiting The Sun

The planet Venus, linked with the goddess of love, beauty, & passion, is crossing the Sun, zodiac symbol for the life force, illumination, creative self-expression, and personal power.  Even though this transit sounds like a perfect union, Vedic astrology claims Venus to be an enemy of the Sun. Its close proximity to the Sun makes it appear retrograde, decreasing the glory of a this cosmic relationship.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Learning To Give Readings

       Once a reader moves past using standard book interpretations to give readings, they free their mind to soar into intuitive realms.   It doesn't matter what medium u use...tarot, palmistry, runes, or astrology, at a certain point the information u have learned from your studies will be translated by your subconscious mind and delivered via your intuition at the moment it is needed.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Palmistry for Fun and Prophet

Many Rivers Books & Tea
130 S. Main St., Sebastopol 
Kooch Daniels, Author of The Art and Magic of Palmistry
Thursday, April 26, 7:30 pm
Suggested Donation: $5

Conventional palmistry is a combination of two techniques: chirognomy, the study of the form and outer appearance of a hand; and chiromancy, the analysis of the lines and marks in the palm. This workshop provides a practical foundation of hand reading skills in relation to these two separate studies. More than a talk on "how to read the hand", our main focus will be studying the symbols we find in our palms. Just as we learn to read and interpret symbols on astrology charts or in tarot cards, in palmistry we must also find and interpret various symbols. Using hands of willing class participants, we'll explore palmistry symbols and interpret their potential meanings. This is a show and tell class and your questions about your hands will help guide our discussion. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sun In Taurus

Happy Birthday to all born during Sun in Taurus!! Strong minded, steadfast and loyal to friends, you have seductive winning personalities. Known to be patient, practical, and passionate, you are natural winners in the game of life.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Tarot Card Matches This New's Event?

What tarot card equals this : Vatican launched crackdown on many Am. Catholic nuns, saying they're not speaking enough vs gay marriage/abortion/women's ordinations.

My answer coming soon.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mars Retrograde

Today's real life example of Mar's retrograde (The Tower reversed): U.S. Navy jet crashes into apartment building in Virginia.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mercury's Movement

So happy Mercury has gone direct foreshadowing an easier communication flow.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Your Fortune Cookie Tarot Reading:

Three of Cups crossed by The Lovers: Take advantage of your potentials to have a good time.

Answer to Previous Tarot Question

Please go to to read my answer to: What Tarot Card Is This? And hopefully you'll also like my page.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tarot Card Guessing Game

Can you identify what tarot card would be pulled with this situation taken from Good Morning America news:
"It's not uncommon in the modeling and entertainment industry," former special agent Brad Garrett told ABC News. "If your skill set doesn't take you any place else, where's it going to take you? A quick buck would be distributing methamphetamine. It tells me that she was not that sophisticated, and she may be desperate for money."

My Answer: coming soon!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I have island on head line...What does this mean?

You have a good question, but you need to be more specific to get a more specific answer.

What part of your head line has the island... how large is the island...what direction is your headline long is your headline....these r questions you need to answer b4 I would venture a guess on what your island might indicate. For palmistry answers ... (another shameless plug): My book, The Art & Magic of Palmistry....can help u figure this out.

Palmistry Info

If you'd like to get the 1st chapter of my book, The Art & Magic of Palmistry, when you're in Facebook, please like my page:
Thanks for checking it out.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Woman's Day/Full Moon

Happy Woman Days everyone! Celebration of the feminine!!!!!

Celebrate the strength of your feminine nature...your ability to soar above and below the understand life with cavernous moist feelings and your beautiful self!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Free Chapter To Learn Palm Reading:

If you'd like to get the 1st chapter of The Art & Magic of Palmistry, please like my page:
Thanks for checking it out on Facebook.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Tarot, Occult, Romantic Novel
Debuting February 19, 2012, at PantheaCon in San Jose, the new novel from Kooch Daniels! The book is also available for pre-order from our web store!
Tarot Media Company is hosting a Meet the Authors & Book Launch in the San Jose Rm at 3:30 pm! Hope 2 see you there while I'm talking about my new tarot novel.

Astrology Talk at PantheaCon

Astrology Class, "Where Oh Where Is My Love", discussing relationship compatibility is being presented by my friend Dennie & myself this Friday, 1:30 in the Double Tree Hotel, San Jose in San Martin/San Simeon Room.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Astro Tarot Valentine Love Oracle 2012

Valentine Love Oracle

Astrological Tarot Correspondence – Golden Dawn

Created by Kooch Daniels

copyright 2012

Aries – The Ram : Your Tarot Card : The Emperor

Find a box of chocolates to give to someone special, and enjoy the moment. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life, get in the party spirit and celebrate this special time when Venus is in your sign. Embrace opportunities to be playful and experiment with being more light-hearted. Ask yourself, how can I enjoy life more?

Taurus – The Bull : Your Tarot Card : The Heirophant

Say “yes” to getting a massage (yes, you) or give yourself something equally special to help your body relax. Your ambitious mind wants to forge ahead, but taking a little down time to recharge your internal battery will help you stay grounded. With Jupiter in your sign, life should be moving in a good direction.

Gemini – The Twins : Your Tarot Card : The Lovers

Can you define your heart’s desire? Settle into your inner truth without asking so many perplexing questions about tomorrow. The movement of Mercury into watery Pisces on the 14th presents a golden opportunity to find emotional answers. Affairs of the heart will come together to illuminate clear-cut decisions needing to be made.

Cancer – The Crab : Your Tarot Card : The Chariot.

Since the moon naturally guides your Sun sign, the night is the perfect time to gather illuminating forces and see clearly into your emotions. Before going to sleep at night ask your inner self to become more aware of your subconscious dream state. Look at your dreams to find symbolic clues to reveal the quickest path to success.

Leo – The Lion : Your Tarot Card : Strength

Being naturally lion hearted is a powerful vote for your ability to find what is sacred in life and love. The Sun, your sign’s zodiacal ruler, improves your chances for having a sunny, warm personality even on a rainy day. Consequently, when the chemistry is right, you have an inherent ability to touch people on meaningful levels.

Virgo – The Virgin : Your Tarot Card : The Hermit

Open windows of positive opportunities by making the best of social situations. Owning your confidence allows you to bask in the magic of creating community. Ask a new friend to take a walk or go out with you and stretch beyond familiar boundaries. Getting in touch with your playful side inspires an optimistic attitude.

Libra – The Scales of Justice : Your Tarot Card : Justice

Love is the centering point to balance the yin/yang in your internal sense of justice. Taking affairs of the heart too seriously can easily turn ordinary events into something that look like problems. Instead, visualize emotional harmony. Singing, chanting, or dancing brightens prospects for tomorrow.

Scorpio – The Scorpion : Your Tarot Card : Death (Rebirth)

Appreciating life’s simple pleasures feeds your soul. Tuck your sensitivity into your back pocket and bravely smile at the world. Use your intuition to help you find the path to fulfill your dreams. With your ruler, Mars, now retrograde, life will be easier if you detach from asserting strong opinions and focus on finding joy.

Sagittarius – The Archer : Your Tarot Card : Temperance

Your optimistic nature is the magic wand to help you make the best of your life. Believe in your vision, but to find success your persuasive bow and arrow needs to be focused on the target of your aspirations. Say, “yes!” to using your talent. Love more, worry less and you’ll be in touch with the wisdom in your heart.

Capricorn – The Goat : Capricorn, Your Tarot Card : The Devil

Even if practical logic rules your mind, you can awaken the strength of your intuition by trusting that you have this ability. Ask your sixth sense to guide your search to find the best romantic answers. Pluto, symbol for rebirth, sits in your sign, bringing potential for unpredictable, personal growth.

Aquarius – The Water Bearer : Your Tarot Card : The Star

With Neptune moving out of your sign, you may sometimes feel shifts in your inner emotional space. Breathing deeply into your physical center helps calm emotional energy, especially if you have concerns about love. Meditate within a gentle windy realm of Mother Nature to clear your mind and find peace within.

Pisces – The Fish : Your Tarot Card : The Moon

Taking time to smell the roses isn’t a cliché, it’s aromatherapy and a must on your to-do list in order to de-stress from worldly concerns. If you’re in a relationship or not, nurture your inner contentment. The planet Neptune, linked with Poseidon, god of the sea, moves into your water sign arousing a new depth of emotional insight.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine Love Oracle

Created by Kooch Daniels

copyright 2012

Aries – The Ram :

Find a box of chocolates to give to someone special, and enjoy the moment. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life, get in the party spirit and celebrate this special time when Venus is in your sign. Embrace opportunities to be playful and experiment with being more light-hearted. Ask yourself, how can I enjoy life more?

Taurus – The Bull :

Say “yes” to getting a massage (yes, you) or give yourself something equally special to help your body relax. Your ambitious mind wants to forge ahead, but taking a little down time to recharge your internal battery will help you stay grounded. With Jupiter in your sign, life should be moving in a good direction.

Gemini – The Twins :

Can you define your heart’s desire? Settle into your inner truth without asking so many perplexing questions about tomorrow. The movement of Mercury into watery Pisces on the 14th presents a golden opportunity to find emotional answers. Affairs of the heart will come together to illuminate clear-cut decisions needing to be made.

Cancer – The Crab :

Since the moon naturally guides your Sun sign, the night is the perfect time to gather illuminating forces and see clearly into your emotions. Before going to sleep at night ask your inner self to become more aware of your subconscious dream state. Look at your dreams to find symbolic clues to reveal the quickest path to success.

Leo – The Lion :

Being naturally lion hearted is a powerful vote for your ability to find what is sacred in life and love. The Sun, your sign’s zodiacal ruler, improves your chances for having a sunny, warm personality even on a rainy day. Consequently, when the chemistry is right, you have an inherent ability to touch people on meaningful levels.

Virgo – The Virgin :

Open windows of positive opportunities by making the best of social situations. Owning your confidence allows you to bask in the magic of creating community. Ask a new friend to take a walk or go out with you and stretch beyond familiar boundaries. Getting in touch with your playful side inspires an optimistic attitude.

Libra – The Scales of Justice :

Love is the centering point to balance the yin/yang in your internal sense of justice. Taking affairs of the heart too seriously can easily turn ordinary events into something that look like problems. Instead, visualize emotional harmony. Singing, chanting, or dancing brightens prospects for tomorrow.

Scorpio – The Scorpion :

Appreciating life’s simple pleasures feeds your soul. Tuck your sensitivity into your back pocket and bravely smile at the world. Use your intuition to help you find the path to fulfill your dreams. With your ruler, Mars, now retrograde, life will be easier if you detach from asserting strong opinions and focus on finding joy.

Sagittarius – The Archer :

Your optimistic nature is the magic wand to help you make the best of your life. Believe in your vision, but to find success your persuasive bow and arrow needs to be focused on the target of your aspirations. Say, “yes!” to using your talent. Love more, worry less and you’ll be in touch with the wisdom in your heart.

Capricorn – The Goat :

Even if practical logic rules your mind, you can awaken the strength of your intuition by trusting that you have this ability. Ask your sixth sense to guide your search to find the best romantic answers. Pluto, symbol for rebirth, sits in your sign, bringing potential for unpredictable, personal growth.

Aquarius – The Water Bearer :

With Neptune moving out of your sign, you may sometimes feel shifts in your inner emotional space. Breathing deeply into your physical center helps calm emotional energy, especially if you have concerns about love. Meditate within a gentle windy realm of Mother Nature to clear your mind and find peace within.

Pisces – The Fish :

Taking time to smell the roses isn’t a cliché, it’s aromatherapy and a must on your to-do list in order to de-stress from worldly concerns. If you’re in a relationship or not, nurture your inner contentment. The planet Neptune, linked with Poseidon, god of the sea, moves into your water sign arousing a new depth of emotional insight.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Popular Palmistry Question

A quick hand reading lesson for the masses who ask this question:
A break in the life line does not mean death.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Puppies

Having so much love with the puppies!